Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
European Association of Urology Guidelines on Vasectomy.
Dohle G., Diemer Th., Kopa Z., Krausz C., Giwercman A. and Jungwirth A.
Eur61: 159-63 Urology
Mama mit 50, Papa mit 70 – die Chancen und Risiken.
Jungwirth A.
Medizin populär 5: 6-13
Guia clinica de la Asociacion Europea de Urologia sobre la vasectomia.
Dohle G., Diemer Th., Kopa Z., Krausz C., Giwercman A. and Jungwirth A.
Acta Urologicas Espanolas 36(5): 276-281
European Association of Urology Guidelines on Male Infertility: the 2012 Update.
Jungwirth A., Giwercman A., Tournaye H., Diemer Th., Kopa Z., Dohle G. and Krausz C.
Eur. Urology 62:324-332
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of testosterone gel on body composition and health-related quality-of-life in men with hypogonadal to low-normal levels of serum testosterone and symptoms of androgen deficiency over 6 months with 12 months open-label follow-up.
Behre HM, Tammela TL, Arver S, et al. European Testogel® Study Team
Aging Male. Dec;15(4):198-207