Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Blockade of swelling-induced chloride channels by phenol derivatives.
Gschwentner M., Jungwirth A. , Hofer S., Woell E., Ritter M., Susanna A., Schmarda A., Reibnegger G., Pinggera G., Leitinger M., Frick J., Deetjen P. and Paulmichl M.
Brit. J. Pharm., 118:41-48

Fluorescence-optical measurements of chloride movements in cells using the membrane-permeable dye diH-MEQ.
Woell E., Gschwentner M., Fuerst J., Hofer S., Buemberger G., Jungwirth A. , Frick J., Deetjen P. and Paulmichl M.
Pflugers Arch., 432: 486-493

Treatment of prostate cancer with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue: effect on lipoprotein [a].
Arrer E., Jungwirth A., Mack D., Frick J. and Partsch W.
J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 81: (7), 1-4

Inhibition of growth of human small-cell and non-small-cell lung carcinomas by antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GH-RH).
Pinski J., Jungwirth A., Groot K., Halmos G., Armatis P., Zarandi M., Vadillo-Buenfil M. and Schally A.V.
Int. J. Oncology, 9: 1099-1105

Chronic administration of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) antagonist Cetrorelix decreases gonadotrope responsiveness and pituitary LHRH receptor mRNA levels in rats.
Pinski P., Lamharzi N., Halmos G., Groot K., Jungwirth A., Vadillo-Buenfil M., Kakar S.S. and Schally A.V.
Endocrinology, 137: 3430-3436

Effect of chronic administration of a new potent agonists of GH-RH (1-29) NH2 on linear growth and GH responsiveness in rats.
Pinski J., Izdebski J., Jungwirth A., Groot K. and Schally A.V.
Regulatory Peptide, 65: 197-201

Periurethral Abscess caused by a nonvenerological ulcer at the glans penis.
Jungwirth A., Hauser W. and Frick J.
Int. Urology Nephrology, 28: 713-715

Cytotoxic analogs of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone containing doxorubicin or 2-pyrrolinodoxorubicin, a derivative 500-1000 times more potent.
Nagy A., Schally A.V., Armatis P., Szepeshazi K., Halmos G., Kovacs M., Zarandi M., Groot K., Mijazaki M., Jungwirth A. and Horvath J.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93: 7269-7273


LH-RH antagonist Cetrorelix (SB-75) and bombesin antagonist RC-3940-II inhibit the growth of androgen-independent PC-3 and DU-145 prostate cancers in vivo. Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Endokrinologie.
Galvan G., Jungwirth A., Pinski J. and Schally A.V.
Vortrag Marburg, Jänner 1996. 

LH-RH Antagonist Cetrorelix (SB-75) und Bombesin Antagonisten RC-3940-IIund RC-3950-II inhibieren das Wachstum von androgneunabhaengigen PC-3 and DU-145 Prostatakarzinomzellinien in vivo.
Jungwirth A., Galvan G., Pinski J., Halmos G., Szepeshazi K. and Schally A.V.
Internationaler Alpenländischer Urologenkongress

LH-RH antagonist Cetrorelix (SB-75) and bombesin antagonists – new drugs for the treatment of prostate cancer.
Jungwirth A., Galvan G., Pinski J., Halmos G., Szepeshazi K., Frick J. and Schally A.V.
J.Urol., 155:529A

LH-RH Antagonist Cetrorelix (SB-75) und Bombesin Antagonisten – neue Substanzen für die Therapie des hormonunabhängigen Prostatakarzinoms.
Jungwirth A., Galvan G., Frick J., Pinski J., Halmos G. und Schally A.V.
Deutscher Urologenkongress, Düsseldorf,

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